Douglas Herbert
Vice President and Director of International Operations

My Story
After 20+ years in the IT field, I came on board full-time in 2010. I spent five or so years prior to that getting to know the people around the world that make this industry tick, so it was an easy transition. Some would even say I married into it. It’s been fun to help the company grow into the big family that it is today.
My Travel History and Style
I’ve been lucky enough to see more of the world than all of my ancestors and family combined. Being on the road so much, one thing that we all learn very quickly is that travel is an adventure; anytime you step out of your door and head out, be ready for chaos. Make the most of it, wether it be a delayed flight or a rental car not being exactly what you wanted or things not going the way it was envisioned. The more you travel, you also appreciate it’s not about the thread count of the sheets on the beds, but it’s about the people you meet and share stories with with along the way. While it is a treat to be pampered at an ultra-luxe property, there is something inherently charming about a mobile canvas-tented camp in the Serengeti. Along the way, many of our industry friends have opened their homes to us on our travels, and that’s always a nice way to live like a local and develop relationships that go far beyond the work we all do.
Favorite Travelers
Every year or 2, Corinne and I take a motley mob of our friends somewhere in the world for a couple of weeks. In past years, we’ve taken them to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Thailand, Hong Kong, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, The Netherlands, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Dubai, Egypt, Jordan, and Alaska. Next up on the docket is Portugal and Spain for over 30 of us, which will be an absolute riot. These are my favorite types of trips, as the people you’d like to share adventures and memories with are actually on the trip with you.
Favorite Destinations
The Gold Coast of Australia to visit my in-laws in February when it’s snowing in Chicago, but warm and sunny in the South Pacific. I also love exploring off the beaten tracks, especially in certain parts of Africa like Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa. That continent has really grown as a destination for us over the last few years, and once you experience it first-hand, you understand the alluring call of Africa. This is a popular question we do get asked a fair amount, so I’ll add a few more of my favorites: New Zealand (all of it), Tasmania, Melbourne, Barcelona, Scotland, Prague, and Alaska.
I was a musician in a modern rock band for quite a few years, and still enjoy monkeying around with it. I love/hate golf, and it’s fun playing on fantastic tracks around the world when we travel. I also enjoy summertime in Chicago, hitting the numerous local street festivals for live music and cold and frosty barley pops.